Tips for a Social Entrepreneur #Socent

The Bay & Harbour Blog

1. If you need something, don’t ask for it (at first): “This holds true for most forms of entrepreneurship: “Ask for money and you’ll get nothing, ask for advice and you’ll get money.”

2. You’re doing this, without or without them (them = partners and funding!): So persevere against odds and entice people to come on board

3. Keep writing short and sharp: Emails that are 3-4 lines max, bullet points and focus are key to successful communication

4. Be empathetic: Stand in the footsteps of your stakeholders to understand what they are looking for

5. Think long-term: Map out goals, partnerships and projects in the long-run

6.Your network is bigger than you think: This applies both online AND offline (you never know where you might meet a great contact or get access to a necessary resource)

7. Crowd fund

8. Be prepared to handle your finances: Consider your costs…

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